
Solutions for the built environment

Bristol City Leap is playing a lead role in the decarbonisation of Bristol to help the city meet its target of becoming carbon neutral by 2030. Bristol City Leap is helping homes, businesses and public sector organisations to decarbonise through a range of services.

How can Bristol City Leap help you?

  • Bristol City Leap is supporting community-owned renewable energy projects to help residents play a part in Bristol’s journey to carbon neutrality. Learn more about how you can apply to the Bristol City Leap Community Energy Fund.
  • Eligible households can access our Bright Green Homes grants, which provides low-carbon, energy efficiency and cost-saving measures for homes in Bristol City Council, North Somerset Council, and Bath and North East Somerset Council.
  • We can help you identify and reach your decarbonisation goals by working with to deliver a comprehensive range of measures that will improve energy efficiency and reduce your carbon emissions. Our offer includes:
    • detailed energy auditing to identify specific opportunities
    • financial modelling looking at various funding options
    • implementation of the technologies to support energy efficiency and decarbonisation
    • ongoing maintenance services, if required
  • Bristol City Leap’s expertise in engineering, design and delivery is providing comprehensive retrofitting services to existing commercial buildings to support Bristol’s businesses meet their net zero carbon targets / (environmental commitments) which in turn will deliver compliance with new minimum energy efficiency standards.
  • Support for corporate social value commitments.
  • Working with office buildings to enhance Bristol’s competitiveness as a clean, green place to live and work.
  • Collaborating with developers to identify and deliver renewable energy development opportunities, including industrial sites and underutilised sites for the development of solar PV and wind generation.
  • Expanding residential and business connections to the award winning Bristol Heat Network, a low-carbon solution that has the potential to provide up to 120 gigawatt hours of heat to Bristol households and businesses over the next five years, the equivalent of ~80,000 residential homes. Read more on our Heat Network page.
  • Supporting public sector organisations in meeting their decarbonisation goals by creating comprehensive and feasible decarbonisation plans including energy audits, funding options, support and delivery of low-carbon solutions for your property portfolio.
  • Reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions for your estate through the installation of a range of technologies including solar PV and solar thermal panels, heat pumps, LED lighting, insulation and building controls.
  • Unlocking Bristol’s renewable power potential by combining small-scale sites like rooftop solar, and large-scale projects like wind turbines that feed into local grid connections.
  • Bristol City Leap also offers a fast-track, fully compliant framework for the pubic sector to procure detailed feasibility studies to identify the opportunities for saving energy and decarbonising across your estate.

Bristol City Leap’s full flexible, turnkey service offering is designed to ensure continuity and effective delivery throughout – from audit, implementation, operation and maintenance, to long-term monitoring for energy performance.

Our team has a broad range of experience and specialisms to draw upon, making us a trusted decarbonisation partner for Bristol and beyond. Get in touch to find out how we can support you on your decarbonisation journey.

Below are some examples of the services that we offer:

  • Audit & Options Assessment

  • Large-scale & Onsite Renewables

  • Energy Efficiency

  • Heat Network Connections

  • Heat Pump Installation

  • Batteries & Storage

  • Construction Design & Management

  • Operation & Maintenance

Why choose Bristol City Leap?

  • A comprehensive range of solutions which guarantee carbon savings
  • A a robust and transparent process led by our expert engineers
  • Commodity scale for supply of renewable infrastructure including ground mount solar, wind turbines and heat network
  • A wide range of flexible commercial models including design and build, grant funding, subsidies, crowd funding and self-funded projects
  • Tailored contract options, including Energy Savings Performance Contracts, Energy as a Service, long term Operation and Maintenance, and Heat Network Agreements.
  • Flexible low carbon utility agreements, encompassing Power Purchase Agreements and Heat Network Agreements.

Contact Us

To learn more, please get in touch with our expert team via our Contact page.